TEC Soundproof Wall

Construction Method Description

· Features of the Construction Method

Features of the technology environment construction (TEC) method for temporary soundproof walls

An eco-friendly construction method that produces no direct impact noise or concrete waste

  • Green Technology: GT-21-01265
  • Green Technology Product: GTP-22-02890
  • LH New Technology : 2022-Civil-1
  • SOC Technology Market Certified Technology : SOC-LH-2022-06-0245

1. Zero direct impact noise or vibration 

No use of steel pipe pile - no direct impact noise

Reduces noise pollution in neighborhoods - noiseless, vibrationless construction method 

2. No concrete casting

- Auger boring and installation of the base pile at the same time - Rotary thrusting 

- No need to cast concrete, so no need to wait after boring - Requires separate safety measures (risk of collapse)

- No need to cure concrete - shorter construction times

- No need to use diesel mixer trucks, so no air pollutants (exhaust, nitrogen oxides, etc.) are produced 

- No traffic disruption due to concrete casting

3. No concrete waste generated

- No concrete waste or debris during dismantling and demolition

- Cost savings on environmental disposal costs

- No soil contamination from water used to break concrete

- No noise from breaking concrete

4. Reusable

- Reusable as there is no loss due to cutting the fence frame above ground level

- Easy, economical, and efficient to reinstall

- Nearly 100% recyclable, except for expendable materials